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  1. EASY. 1. https://bcgame.im/#/sd/11VP4DMH0R6ONZ 2. https://bcgame.im/#/sd/11VP4RL2CQG6LV 3. 2FA for your BC.Game account + Verify E-Mail & Phone Number 4. 2387188005816373702 5. https://bcgame.im/#/sd/11W7SOFWDWLTEZ
  2. Hello Maxim,

    I received the email regarding Prestige Challenge #105 reward but when I try to click on Read full message. I cant log to claim it. 

    Many thanks,

    1. BCGame_Maxim


      Don't worry dear players, we'll review the unclaimed codes and deliver rewards directly to your Bonus page within your BCGAME account

  3. https://bc.game/#/sd/11HNAQTAIWYSZF https://bc.game/#/sd/11HNCD8S9LJBQZ https://bc.game/#/sd/11HNCVQISG2KMR https://bc.game/#/sd/11HNCYIYHZY2BF
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