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Everything posted by GEKDDYpompops

  1. https://bc.game/#/sd/10XXEPW43BMYHF https://bc.game/#/sd/10XXEQHNCS5XXV https://bc.game/#/sd/10XXEQWA20FKSZ https://bc.game/#/sd/10XXERDVVPHVDF https://bc.game/#/sd/10XXERRCVG7ITV
  2. I experience some bugs on hilo and dice. But nuffin to worry its just kinda glitchy. My opinion on new update ad on OG player on bc this new update is one of the worse update i encountered i can say old system is better than this also the crash game why did you remove it thats one of the best game you have. Also some affiliate system aint work i already invite hundreds of people to play here and they registered too but there not on my list commission. May i suggest this on please focus on this one i hope reward system. On challenges will be faster than before because we want to hunt the new challenge tho.
  3. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10TGHHMMFARUOJ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10TGIPFIZEXHQR
  4. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10T0944CN5OJKJ https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10TALUZ3W8V85V
  5. 5.6x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O27VEQV8J4LV 8.9x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O28HYBFYWYZ7 10x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O28RSQUZ1J4J 13x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O292B1N89NGZ 22x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O299GK39DT77 33x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O29EL45S88PF 29x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10O29GDH4T5YC3
  6. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10NJAW4Z118PW3 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10NJBHKJ75AHW3
  7. 3.96x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MNWINABHZRIR 7.92 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MMYENOWYMJO3 15.84 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MNXC36LLEK2B 31.68 https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10MNXGRM0LQXW3
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